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How to install games in mumuplayer pro?


Modify language

  1. Open the settings icon. open setting icon

  2. Follow the text on the diagram to set up.

    set up set up1 setp setpu1 language

  3. This completes the language setup.

How to install the game

  1. First you need to download apkpure.com and install it to mumuplayer. apkpure
  2. Take pubg mobile for example and install it. pubg

At the beginning of the installation it may appear that you need to allow installation permissions, agree to apkpure and you're done!

How to install Google App Store?

  1. Return to the desktop and open “游戏中心”.
  2. The first time you enter the app there will be a recommended installation, you just need to skip it. skip
  3. Type “谷歌安装器” in the search box and click the download button. google installer
  4. After successful installation, return to the desktop for installation. installer

The above is a summary of the use of mumuplayer pro, if it helps you, we are very happy.

If you have any other questions, please leave them in the comments section.

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